Gaisi Electronics places quality at the forefront, delivering outstanding chip products and services. Our commitment revolves around a "zero-defect" quality management system encompassing supplier audits and grading, stringent quality inspection processes, third-party testing by qualified agencies, adherence to high standards in warehousing, packaging, and transportation, meticulous management of a quality database, and a robust RMA return process. Each step is meticulously executed to achieve excellence and provide you with a worry-free purchasing experience.

The TCAN1051HGVDQ1 is a high-speed CAN (Controller Area Network) transceiver from Texas Instruments (TI), designed for automotive applications. It offers fault-tolerant communication with flexible data rates and comes in a small VSON package. This device features one driver and one receiver, supporting up to 2 Mbps data rate, and operates within a voltage range of typically 4.5V to 5.5V. It provides robust protection against common mode noise and is suitable for harsh environments. For detailed specifications and availability, consult the manufacturer's datasheet or authorized distributors.