onsemi IC RECEIVER 0/1 8SOIC 100EL16MX

Gaisi Electronics offers comprehensive one-stop chip procurement services, including emergency and shortage parts acquisition, spot distribution of product lines, agent representation for specific product lines, BOM support services, and inventory processing. Our solutions are designed to effortlessly address your chip procurement challenges, providing a seamless and efficient experience.

Unfortunately, there is no available information in my current database for a part number "100EL16MX". To provide an accurate description, I would typically need the manufacturer and context for this part. However, if it were a genuine part from a known supplier like TYCO or others, I could potentially give you a brief definition based on that data. Please consult the specific manufacturer's catalog or contact their customer support to obtain details about this part number. If you're looking for assistance with identifying industrial, electrical, or mechanical components, providing more context ensures precise information.