Gaisi Electronics places quality at the forefront, delivering outstanding chip products and services. Our commitment revolves around a "zero-defect" quality management system encompassing supplier audits and grading, stringent quality inspection processes, third-party testing by qualified agencies, adherence to high standards in warehousing, packaging, and transportation, meticulous management of a quality database, and a robust RMA return process. Each step is meticulously executed to achieve excellence and provide you with a worry-free purchasing experience.

The SN65HVD235QDRQ1 is a robust RS-485 transceiver manufactured by Texas Instruments (TI). It supports high data rates and is designed for reliable communication in industrial environments. This part operates with a wide voltage range, typically from 1.65V to 5.5V, and provides fail-safe operation for both data and control signals. It includes advanced ESD protection and is available in a standard package suitable for various applications requiring multi-drop data transmission over long distances. For detailed specifications, reference its datasheet available on multiple electronic component distributors' websites.