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The SN65MLVD201DR is a surface-mount SOP-8 packaged M-LVDS (multipoint-low-voltage differential signaling) line driver and receiver from Texas Instruments (TI). It's designed for high-speed data transmission with controlled output voltage transition times, improving signal quality. The device operates within a -1V to 3.4V common-mode voltage range, allowing data transmission in the presence of up to 2V ground noise. Its bus pins feature high impedance when disabled or when VCC is below 1.5V. This component is part of a series that includes SN65MLVD201, 203, 206, and 207, all offering 200Mbps data rates. It can be purchased through various online platforms like Alibaba and淘宝, and technical datasheets are available on websites like TI.com.cn and electronics resources like Electronic Fans and Huaqiang Electronics Network.