STMicroelectronics IC ST485EBDR

Gaisi Electronics places quality at the forefront, delivering outstanding chip products and services. Our commitment revolves around a "zero-defect" quality management system encompassing supplier audits and grading, stringent quality inspection processes, third-party testing by qualified agencies, adherence to high standards in warehousing, packaging, and transportation, meticulous management of a quality database, and a robust RMA return process. Each step is meticulously executed to achieve excellence and provide you with a worry-free purchasing experience.

The part number ST485EBDR represents a specific component, designed for a particular application or system. Unfortunately, without detailed manufacturer data, it's not possible to provide exact specifications. However, typically such alphanumeric codes are used to identify industrial parts, electronic components, or mechanical items. It's advisable to consult the manufacturer's catalog or datasheet for comprehensive information on dimensions, features, and compatibility. The 'ST' prefix could indicate a product from a known manufacturer or a standardized series. Always ensure proper validation before ordering or using any replacement part to guarantee its suitability for your intended use.