Microchip Technology IC TRANSCEIVER 1/1 8SOIC MCP2561FD-E/SN

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The MCP2561FD-E/SN is a CAN bus transceiver IC from Microchip Technology, designed for high-speed communication in automotive and industrial applications. It supports the CAN Flexible Data-Rate (CAN FD) standard allowing higher data rates compared to classic CAN. The device comes in an 8-DFN or SOIC package, operates with a supply voltage of 4.5V to 5.5V, and features symmetrical loop delay for reliable operation at up to 8Mbps. It offers one driver/receiver channel in a half-duplex configuration and has an operating temperature range of -40°C to 125°C. This component is available through various distributors as surface-mount devices and is suitable for low-power, high-reliability CAN network interfaces.