Microchip Technology IC TRANSCEIVER 1/1 8SOIC MCP2557FD-H/SN

Gaisi Electronics provides chips characterized by high-speed processing and real-time response capabilities, enhancing the smooth operation and swift responsiveness of your applications for an improved user experience. Our chips are versatile, supporting a range of diverse interfaces to adapt seamlessly to various scenarios. Whether you're in the realms of smart home technology, industrial automation, or the Internet of Things, Gaisi Electronics ensures you'll find a tailored solution to suit your needs.

The MCP2557FD-H/SN is a CAN Flexible Data Rate (CAN FD) transceiver IC manufactured by Microchip Technology. This component provides high-speed data transmission between CAN nodes in automotive and industrial networks, supporting both classic CAN and the faster CAN FD protocols. It comes in an 8-pin SOIC package and ensures robust signal integrity with its noise immunity features, making it suitable for harsh environments while maintaining compatibility with existing CAN systems.