Texas Instruments IC SWITCH SPST-NCX1 10OHM 8SOIC TS12A4515D

Gaisi Electronics sells chips whose main features are high integration, cost reduction, high-speed processing speed, real-time response, diversified interfaces, safe and reliable, low-power design, etc., bringing unlimited possibilities to your smart technology applications!

The part number TS12A4515D likely refers to a specific electronic component, potentially a custom or standard logic device like a PAL (Programmable Array Logic) chip from the 18H10J family. This component might have been used in a certain circuit assembly or system, possibly featuring specifications suitable for applications demanding BL8509-263ACRM power supply compatibility and meeting stringent requirements such as RBM-3.305SP parameters. It could be part of a larger bill of materials in an electronics design with other components like capacitors, memory ICs, and connectors. For detailed specifications and datasheet, manufacturers' resources should be consulted.