Analog Devices Inc./Maxim Integrated IC SWITCH SPST-NCX1 35OHM 8SOIC DG417LDY+

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The part number "DG417LDY+" corresponds to an unspecified component. Without specific information on the database, it's unclear if this is related to a watch component from Ebohr or an Intel motherboard component. For accurate details, please refer to official manufacturer catalogs or websites. However, given context, if associated with Intel DG41BI series主板, it could potentially be a unique identifier for a specific part such as a BIOS chip, expansion card, or other hardware component. To confirm its description and usage, further research is required. For Ebohr watches, "DG417LDY+" might represent a custom or internal part reference; for verification and more information, check with Ebohr's official resources directly.