Nisshinbo Micro Devices Inc. SOT89-5 R1130H401A-T1-FE

Gaisi Electronics sells chip products using the most advanced process technology and materials to achieve a high level of integration, allowing you to obtain more powerful functions in a limited space. At the same time, we optimize the production process and reduce costs, allowing you to obtain high-quality products at more favorable prices.

The part number R1130H401A-T1-FE refers to a specific component, likely an electronic or mechanical part, for which no detailed description is currently available in my database. However, based on typical part numbering schemes, it suggests a highly customized or versioned item with attributes such as "-T1" and "-FE" potentially denoting temperature rating, revision level, or specific certifications/compatibilities. Further information would require looking up the manufacturer's data sheet or product catalog to obtain its precise specifications and intended application. For accurate details, please consult the manufacturer's documentation to reveal specifics about this part's function, dimensions, and usage within a particular system or assembly.