Infineon Technologies 165-FBGA CY7C1460KV25-167BZC

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The CY7C1460KV25-167BZC is a Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) device manufactured by Cypress Semiconductor. This high-speed memory chip offers a substantial capacity and is designed for reliable data storage in various electronic systems. It comes with a specific package and pinout, detailed information of which can be found in its English datasheet available from authorized distributors or the manufacturer's website. For pricing, stock availability, and procurement options, check electronics marketplaces like LCSC where it was listed as of January 24th, 2024. Please note that "-167BZXI" seems to be a variant; ensure correctness of the part number when sourcing. (Note: There might be a typo in the original query since the variant mentioned earlier was "CY7C1460KV25-167BZXI". If "-167BZC" is indeed the correct part number, replace references to "-167BZXI" with "-167BZC" in your search.)