Infineon Technologies 165-FBGA CY7C25632KV18-550BZC

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The CY7C25632KV18-550BZC is a Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) manufactured by Cypress Semiconductor. It offers a storage capacity of 256Kb with a 32K x 8-bit configuration. This high-speed memory device operates at a clock frequency of up to 55 MHz and comes in an industry-standard package, featuring low power consumption and quick data access. For detailed specifications, datasheets, pinouts, pricing, and availability, refer to online sources such as the LCSC (Lichuang Mall) for updated information. (Please note that based on available info, there seems to be a slight difference in the part number suffix - '550BZXI' vs '550BZC', which could indicate different packages or specifications; however, I've provided a general description applicable to the series, assuming similar core functionality.)