Renesas Electronics Corporation 6-CLCC 8N3SV75AC-0005CDI

Gaisi Electronics has extensive chip inventory and high-quality product sources to meet your various needs. Whether you need urgent procurement or long-term supply, we can provide you with the best quality service.

The part number 8N3SV75AC-0005CDI is an electronic component manufactured by IDT (Integrated Device Technology). It is likely a timing device or programmable logic device, considering the naming convention of similar products from IDT. This specific item can be sourced through authorized distributors like Shenzhen Nanhuang Electronics Co., which offers competitive pricing, inventory availability, and may provide free samples for evaluation purposes. Detailed specifications, data sheets, and PDF resources in English can typically be obtained for further design-in support. Customers can expect prompt delivery and possibly small quantity orders for prototyping purposes. However, for exact product details, please refer to the most recent datasheet provided by the manufacturer.