Renesas Electronics Corporation 6-CLCC 8N3DV85LC-0184CDI

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The part number "8N3DV85LC-0184CDI" is an electronic component possibly related to integrated circuits or semiconductor modules. It appears in multiple listings from various sources, indicating it may be sought after for purchase or recycling purposes by companies like 英佳联电子 and others. No specific datasheet or detailed description is currently available within this context, but based on patterns in the data, it seems these components often come with different suffixes suggesting different revisions or variations. Interested parties can check electronic marketplaces such as 维库电子市场网 for original stock information, pricing, datasheets, and supplier details. As of the latest records, similar parts have been associated with inventory acquisition and disposal services across China. For accurate specifications and availability, direct inquiry with authorized distributors is recommended.