Renesas Electronics Corporation 6-CLCC 8N3DV85LC-0153CDI8

Gaisi Electronics sells chips whose main features are high integration, cost reduction, high-speed processing speed, real-time response, diversified interfaces, safe and reliable, low-power design, etc., bringing unlimited possibilities to your smart technology applications!

The part number "8N3DV85LC-0153CDI8" refers to an electronic component possibly related to semiconductor devices or modules frequently mentioned in conjunction with ICs, memory chips, and other components from various manufacturers including Analog Devices, Texas Instruments, and Infineon. It is listed as being sought after or recycled by companies like Yingjiali Electronics for nationwide collection services in China. Due to the lack of specific datasheet information, the exact nature and specifications of this part cannot be detailed here within the 150-word limit. However, it appears to be used in diverse applications across different industries and likely plays a role in circuit designs involving mixed-signal processing, power management, or data storage functions. For detailed technical details, refer to the manufacturer's documentation.