Renesas Electronics Corporation 6-CLCC 8N3DV85LC-0144CDI

Gaisi Electronics is well aware of the importance of quality, so we strictly control every link to ensure the quality of chips from the source. Our supplier audit/grading system ensures that the raw materials we purchase are original; and the quality inspection process and testing by qualified third-party testing agencies further ensure the quality of the products. At the same time, we also follow strict warehousing, packaging and transportation standards to ensure that the products are delivered to you safely and completely.

The part number "8N3DV85LC-0144CDI" refers to an electronic component likely associated with integrated circuits or programmable logic devices. It has been mentioned in various contexts of electronic components recycling and purchasing activities by companies like 英佳联电子 across China. This specific part is sought after for both its acquisition and resale within the secondary market for electronic parts. Detailed specifications, usage, or manufacturer details are not provided; however, it appears to be a targeted item among buyers and recyclers of chips and ICs. To obtain accurate technical data or purchase from authorized sources, one may refer to electronic component distributors or manufacturers' datasheets.