Renesas Electronics Corporation 6-CLCC 8N3DV85KC-0043CDI8

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The part number "8N3DV85KC-0043CDI8" is an electronic component offered by various suppliers in China as per records from February 2024. It appears to be a specialized integrated circuit or similar device, given the format of the identifier. This component can be sourced through platforms like Weiku Electronics Market Network where customers can access original stock information, pricing, datasheets (PDF), and supplier details, including images of business premises. The chip seems to be in demand for both recycling purposes and new purchases, with companies like Shenzhen Yingjialian Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. listing it among the items they actively acquire. For engineers, these parts may be available for small batch orders. However, specific technical specifications and application circuits require referring to the detailed data sheet provided by the manufacturer or supplier.