Renesas Electronics Corporation 6-CLCC 8N3DV85FC-0175CDI

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The part number 8N3DV85FC-0175CDI refers to an electronic component available through the Chinese marketplace Weiku Electronics Market. This site provides original stock information, pricing reference, and offers free PDF datasheets for download. Customers can access photos of suppliers' business premises and order this component in small quantities, particularly suited for engineers' requirements. The specific details and application circuits for 8N3DV85FC-0175CDI suggest it's a specialized integrated circuit or similar device with technical specifications accessible via its datasheet. In summary: 8N3DV85FC-0175CDI is an electronic part sold on Weiku Electronics Market with genuine stock data, pricing, and detailed datasheets for download. It supports small batch orders and caters to engineering needs with comprehensive documentation and supplier transparency.