Renesas Electronics Corporation 64-LQFP R5F104LCGFA#V0

Gaisi Electronics is well aware of the importance of quality, so we strictly control every link to ensure the quality of chips from the source. Our supplier audit/grading system ensures that the raw materials we purchase are original; and the quality inspection process and testing by qualified third-party testing agencies further ensure the quality of the products. At the same time, we also follow strict warehousing, packaging and transportation standards to ensure that the products are delivered to you safely and completely.

The R5F104LCGFA#V0 is an authentic, original Renesas Electronics 16-bit microcontroller (MCU) from the RL78 series. It offers a rich feature set and is available as new stock through reliable suppliers like Longyicheng Technology. This MCU comes in a specific package with RoHS compliance, and its exact specifications and inventory status can be obtained for prompt delivery to meet your project requirements. For detailed information and pricing on the R5F104LCGFA#V0, customers should consult the latest data sheets or contact the supplier directly.