Texas Instruments 20-SOIC SN74AS640DWG4

Gaisi Electronics specializes in the sale of chips renowned for their high integration, cost-effectiveness, rapid processing speed, real-time responsiveness, diverse interfaces, safety, reliability, and low-power design. These features open up boundless possibilities for your smart technology applications!

The SN74AS640DWG4 is a dual bus transceiver IC from Texas Instruments, designed for general-purpose data transmission. It is part of the TI logic chip family and comes in a 20SOIC package. This device ensures reliable communication between two data buses, supporting bidirectional data flow with control inputs for direction selection. Detailed specifications, PDF datasheets, and manufacturer information can be found on electronic component distributor websites or directly via TI's official resources. For procurement, authenticity, and technical support, buyers can refer to authorized dealers like Toppoint Electronic Mall or check online marketplaces for up-to-date pricing and inventory availability.