onsemi 20-SOIC 74LCXR2245WMX

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The part number "74LCXR2245WMX" appears to be a variant of a bus transceiver IC from a semiconductor manufacturer, likely Texas Instruments or ON Semiconductor. This series typically includes devices like the 74LVX4245WMX which are designed for high-speed bidirectional data transmission and level translation between two logic domains with different power supplies. The 'LCX' prefix suggests it's a low-capacitance, low-voltage CMOS device offering low power consumption and improved noise immunity. It functions as a multi-channel level shifter with multiple inputs/outputs, facilitating communication across mixed-voltage systems while maintaining signal integrity. However, please note that "74LCXR2245WMX" is not an exact match to existing datasheet records; always verify specifications with official documentation.