Texas Instruments 20-SOIC SN74HC541DWR

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The SN74HC541DWR is a high-speed CMOS 8-bit buffer/line driver by Texas Instruments (TI) in a small-outline package (SOP20-7.2). This device functions as a set of eight non-inverting buffers with three-state outputs, featuring separate output enable pins (O¯E¯1 and O¯E¯2), allowing the outputs to be placed in a high-impedance state when disabled. It operates with a wide voltage range from 3V to 9V and has a temperature range of -40°C to +105°C, suitable for applications like bus-oriented receivers/transmitters and address/clock drivers where high-density and performance are essential. Multiple sources offer this part, including distributors on platforms like Alibaba and retail sites like Taobao for purchase in original packaging.