Texas Instruments IC DRIVER 2/0 8SOIC THS6042CDR

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The part number "THS6042CDR" appears to be unrelated to the Polaroid product codes provided earlier. Without specific information on "THS6042CDR," it's impossible to give a detailed description. However, if this were a CDR-related product similar to the mentioned Polaroid items, it could potentially denote a type of 80-minute recordable CD with unique thermal printing features or packaging specifications. Please provide more context for an accurate description. Given the structure of the previously mentioned codes (PRCDRD50THS38400), if "THS6042CDR" follows a similar pattern, it might represent a distinct model or SKU within a series of Polaroid-branded thermal printable CDs, with potential differences in minutes capacity, speed rating, or quantity per pack. For precise details, consult the manufacturer's catalog or database.