Melexis Technologies NV IC TRANSCEIVER FULL 1/1 8SOIC TH8082KDC-AAA-000-TU

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The part number TH8082KDC-AAA-000-TU refers to a specific component in a technical product. It typically denotes a unique identifier assigned by the manufacturer for traceability and ordering purposes. This alphanumeric code suggests that it is a complex assembly or module with distinct attributes, potentially including customizations denoted by 'AAA'. The '-TU' suffix might indicate a variant, revision, or intended use within a particular system or series. However, without further context from the manufacturer's catalog, the precise details of this part cannot be definitively described here. In summary: Part no. TH8082KDC-AAA-000-TU is a uniquely identified component with potential customization (AAA) and a specific version/designation (-TU), as specified by its manufacturer for use in a technical application.