Texas Instruments IC TRANSCEIVER HALF 1/1 8SOIC SN65MLVD200DG4

Gaisi Electronics specializes in the sale of chips renowned for their high integration, cost-effectiveness, rapid processing speed, real-time responsiveness, diverse interfaces, safety, reliability, and low-power design. These features open up boundless possibilities for your smart technology applications!

The SN65MLVD200DG4 is a component offered by Texas Instruments (TI), serving as a type of line driver/receiver. As of January 1, 2023, the unit cost was 33.73433 CNY for new and original stock from authorized TI distributors. This part belongs to a series of devices and has a specific footprint compatible with certain receiver types like those found in the SN75176 and SN75ALS180 packages. For detailed specifications and current pricing, customers should consult the latest product datasheet or contact an authorized distributor directly.